
  • Operation Mud

    In partnership with The Clay Studio, I'm developing a FREE program specifically for veterans taught by veterans. We have been awarded a grant though PECO - Powering the Arts to plan this adventure, explore and determine how other metropolitan areas are executing similar programs, and create educational events to better understand clay as an art therapy and community builder.

    We've partnered with the Department of Veteran Affairs, National Recreation Therapy Service to improve the quality of the classes and to link Veterans with the extensive services available within the VA.

    I’ll be publishing updates to this program as it grows and takes shape over the next year. If you’re interested in following along, or in some way helping out, please feel free to register with the link below.

    Newsletter Sign Up
  • Veterans Ceramic Arts Network

    In planning and preparing to teach veteran ceramics classes in the Philadelphia area, I've talked with and met so many incredible individuals orbiting around the ceramic and veteran communities nationwide. From on the west coast to The Clay Studio on the east coast; were a nation full of incredibly talented veterans, artists, and organizers.

    With networking in mind, Im building VCAN, the Veterans Ceramic Arts Network. This is a database for the community of people and organizations that serve and support Veterans in their ceramic journey. From Veteran Artists, Community Art Centers with Veteran Classes, Universities and GI Bill Programs, Recreational Therapy Clinics that use ceramics to help Veterans, to friends and family members who want to support a veteran they know.

    This database serves to help connect us, share knowledge, and inform each other on things related to and about vets and clay.

    Hopefully in the next few months I will be able to launch an interface and signup for this Database. I envision seeing a listing by state or region of individuals and organizations associated with clay and veterans. My hope is that a veteran can come across our database, find the nearest location to them to engage with ceramics or at the least make contact with someone who may be able to guide them in some way. Sharing GI Bill knowledge and experience to promoting call for entries or workshops. The skys the limit.

    If this sounds enticing to you, I would love to hear your thoughts and opinions, please feel free to shoot me an email - listed on my connect page.